
Irmo Outreach volunteers have assisted dozens of area residents with minor home repair and lawn care over the last couple of years, but this project (in New Friarsgate) was the largest task to date.
The process essentially involved removing a small forest from the residents' back yard, and cutting down dozens of vines, small trees, overgrown bushes, and grass in the front. A commercial removal company had to be engaged to grind and haul the majority of debris away from the site, and funding for the process was provided by the grant monies awarded in March by the Irmo Town Council.
We are currently seeking additional volunteers to assist with such projects, and hope YOU will join us!

Our sincerest thanks are extended to Irmo Outreach volunteers Wade de Loach, Ann Winkle, Michael Kaine, Frankie Delk, and David Deal, each of whom gave up significant portions of their weekends for several weeks in order to complete this massive project!
Irmo Outreach receives grant funding
The Irmo Outreach Committee was one of six nonprofit organizations to receive grant funding from the Town of Irmo in early March of 2022.
A grant in the amount of $40,000 was presented to Irmo Outreach. The funds have, thus far, been used to purchase professional lawn care equipment, and a new trailer in which to transport the items. Some of the money was also spent on flyer-sized handout cards which will be distributed to those facing potential fines for property code violations, explaining how Irmo Outreach may be able to help. The cards will be distributed by the Irmo Police Department's Code Enforcement officers, and are available at Town Hall.​
Some of the grant funds will be used to pay for basic carpentry and house painting equipment. The first such latter purchase was a commercial paint sprayer, which (at the request of the Town of Irmo) was used to repair and update the sign at the entrance to the Fox Run subdivision, near the entrance to the Town of Irmo's Community Park. In addition to assisting homeowners, Irmo Outreach works with the town to aid in beautification projects from time to time.
Stay-tuned for further updates on the employment of grant funding.

The home of master carpenter and regular Irmo Outreach volunteer Allen Olson was destroyed by fire on the afternoon of June 9, 2021. Word of the Olson family's disaster soon spread in the Irmo community, and dozens of Beta Club volunteers from Dutch Fork and Spring Hills High Schools (along with some of their teachers, school athletes, and JROTC members), sprang into action to help clean up and recover property from the damaged home. Members of the Irmo Fire Department also lent a hand.
Thinking of others, as he routinely does, Allen asked that community members donate their time to helping others by contributing their own skills to the Irmo Outreach Committee.
We've always been proud to call Allen a member, we are doubly so now! Be like Allen, complete the short application on our VOLUNTEER page!

Seen above are Dutch Fork High (and other Beta Club & JROTC volunteers) who helped clean-up and recover items from the Olson home. Featured, left to right, are (front row) Philip Howe, Uknown , Lexi Pollier, Alice Miller, Trenton McElwain, Kelly Eckstrom, Allen Olson, and Perrenne Henry. In the back row are Ben Herbst, Ashdyn Orton-Mackenzie, and Deen Debrosse. On behalf of Allen and his family, we at Irmo Outreach are both grateful and inspired by the efforts of these wonderful young folks, several of whom graduated in years past but came to the aid of a fellow Beta Club member (Allen's 16-year-old son, Parker), in his family's time of need. Thank you all, including those not pictured here, once again. You rock!

Basic Garage Door repair performed by IOC member Michael Kaine for client on Doncaster Drive at the request of Irmo PD.


Our very special thanks to Michael Kaine, who cut away the limbs damaging a client's roof on Crossthorn Road, and to Lynn Busch, Frankie Delk, Kimber Braswell, and other Irmo Outreach volunteers who moved them to the roadside for pick up!

Our special thanks, once again, to Emily Correll, of WLTX TV, for helping us to promote Irmo Outreach:

On August 6th, 2020, Irmo Outreach was honored to be featured in a story on the front page of The New Irmo News. The story featured photos of a new picnic table, honoring first responders, presented to the town of Irmo. The bench was created by IOC member Michael Kaine (who also regularly assists in construction and lawncare tasks for neighbors in need). On hand to accept the bench were Irmo Mayor Barry Walker, Councilmembers Bill Danielson, and Erik Sickinger, as well as Irmo Police Chief Courtney Dennis and Captain Bobby Dale. The Committee plans to present more benches to the Irmo community and to seek sponsorships to defray their costs.
Seen below is the beautiful park bench--dedicated to our area's first responders--mentioned in the New Irmo News story cited above. The bench, now sitting at the new Irmo Fire Station, was designed and constructed by Irmo Outreach Committee member extraordinaire Michael Kaine. A man of many talents, and holder of several university degrees, Michael is one of IOC's most active members. His ongoing efforts are greatly appreciated by fellow Committee members, and the many area citizens who regularly benefit from his abilities.